Friday, June 4, 2010


I've been a Hawthorne Heights fan for years (and by years, I mean I liked them when they were still "A Day in the Life") and I can say that if you're not afraid of change, buy "Skeletons."

I could never dislike Hawthorne Heights because they've had my heart for years. JT could just sit on stage saying "blah blah blah" and I'd still pay to get in and stand on my feet for an hour listening to him. Unfortunately, I am one of those people who are afraid of change. I like this new album but as every album since "If Only You Were Lonely" has made it very clear that everything will change eventually and so will this band.

The first song that I heard from this new album was "Nervous Breakdown" which was the first song on the album to make me say "whoa.. what?" It was different but the whole album is different. A few songs might remind you of older sunday and a few songs might just blow your mind. They've come a long way from Fragile Futures.. but..
I miss Casey dearly and it is still strange when I hear screaming in their music (End of the Underground).. but it was bound to happen. I remember about Casey passed away the band encouraged the audience to do the screaming because they knew none of them could take Casey's spot and I always respected them for that.. but the truth of the matter is not even the audience could fill the void.. even though it does bring you that much closer when you're all screaming your lungs out together.

Even still, this album is worth a listen to. Nothing can stay the same forever and I will always love this band. They are always worth the November treck in NYC, moshers and standing times.

If you want to make up your own mind about it, listen to the album here. As usual, I encourage you to support the artists and buy the music at your local music store or via iTunes.

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