Thursday, February 18, 2010

One Year Later, One Year Older..

I honestly can't believe that it's been over a year since I blogged for KTHKSHI! I originally created this page because I wanted to share things that raised my eyebrow and I ended up "epically failing" as those 'hipsters' (ROZ, ya darn hipster!) like to say. Alas, I am back and hopefully it'll be a good time.

So.. in a year some important things have happened. You know, the stream stopped working, started working, stopped working, started working again.. ect. And.. I am now a "single-parent" as far as KTHKSHI is concerned. The decision wasn't the easiest to make, but for the sake of the show continuing, it had to be done. I won't be changing much about the show, so listeners shouldn't be too concerned.

Also, tomorrow is KTHKSHI's big celebration episode. Yep, we turned the big oh-two on February 8, 2010 and you're invited to celebrate! I am aware that tomorrow is February 19, making this show a whopping 11 days late, but do you really care about that? I think not.

I'm not going to give too much away as far as the show or the playlist is concerned, but I will be back to blog after tomorrow's show. I'm trying this thing where I actually write everyday so the next time I have a 8-day-break from school, my brain doesn't melt.

Be sure to listen tomorrow! Ta-ta for now!

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