Tuesday, February 23, 2010

WWE NXT: spoiler alert

You may or may not have tuned in for the premier of NXT tonight. If you did, you witnessed the 'future' [which is actually the present if you think of it logically] of the WWE. If you didn't, you missed some damn good talent.

Pictured above are the 8 rookies of NXT. In order (left to right) they are:
Daniel Bryan, Darren Young, David Otunga, Heath Slater
Justin Gabriel, Michael Tarver, Skip Sheffield, Wade Barrett

So what exactly is NXT? Basically, it's part "reality" and mostly scripted [and 100% competition]. The 'Rookies' are mentored by their 'Pros' and at the end, one of the 'Rookies' will be rewarded with a contract to wrestle on RAW. So.. technically, it's kind of like Tough Enough.. only it isn't at all. Get it?

As of tonight only five wrestlers (Bryan, Young, Otunga, Tarver and Slater) have had the chance to fight. Considering this was only a one hour show, there was some people who really got my attention and some people who didn't even give me two minutes worth of entertainment.

The Matches:
* Christian & Heath Slater vs Carlito & Michael Tarver
Winner: Christian & Heath Slater

* Darren Young vs David Otunga
Winner: David Otunga

* Chris Jericho vs Daniel Bryan
Winner: Chris Jericho

Now, here's how I feel about them..

Darren Young: Obviously, I had no choice but to give Darren Young the number four spot. I honestly don't care how many people say that he looks like a colored John Cena, because looks aren't getting him anywhere. In all honesty, if you can't last more than two minutes in a match, you might as well be Santino. I have high hopes for Young (as in, I hope they give him a better storyline, better matches, and let him win) and feel a little sorry for him because his 'Pro' is none other than the straight-edge jerk, CM Punk. Young looks eager and excited to finally be a part of the WWE but will CM Punk push him too far? Dun dun dunnnn..

David Otunga: No, you eyes are not playing tricks on you.. that is former "I Love New York" contestant 'Punk.' He is also one of eight rookies on NXT and number three on my list this week. While the audience was not able to see more than him slam Darren Young into the mat and win the match instantly, he wasn't the one who lost the match. This man clearly has strength on his side but his cocky attitude puts him on my 'cheer against' list. In all honesty, if his match lasted longer, there's a good possibility that he could have reached number two this week. Otunga will grow to be one of those superstars that you either love or hate.. and while I'm against saying that I hate people, I can't see myself loving him either.

Heath Slater: Heath Slater comes in at number two because he has an amazing sense of team work and worked amazingly with his Pro, Christian. Christian, also known as Captain Charisma, has the most eager and hopeful rookie of the bunch. Slater truly seems as though he has the drive and motivation to win the competition based on his pure love for the sport. Slater is definately one of those wrestlers that you have to sympathize with (he's like the puppy in the pet store that you want to buy even though you know you can't afford it) and when he wins you can't help but be happy for him. I would like to see where Slater's career takes him and I hope that the fame he gets strictly from being Christians rookie doesn't get to his head.

Daniel Bryan: I'm going to be completely honest when I say that the love that my best friend has for Daniel Bryan [or Bryan Danielson as he protests his name should be] made me completely biased against Bryan. Leading up to his big match, I laughed as Miz [or as I like to call Mike.. because honestly, that's what I grew up calling him] trash talked and put Bryan down. Who is this punk who just happens to be an internet sensation known by so many people? He happens to be number one on my list and my favorite NXT rookie thus far. It takes a lot to be paired up with the Miz, trash talked and abused on your first night on the job.. so add the fact that his first match in the WWE was against Chris Jericho and give this man a cookie. Bryan has true skill and as I watched him, I couldn't help the feeling of not wanting to blink--not wanting to miss a second of his match. In the end, Bryan lost his match but honestly, I feel like he could win the entire competition. From a complete skeptic of this wrestler, to someone who could be a real fan of him, he has what it takes to make a believer out of you. So please Michael Cole, give the man a break.

I'm not sure what the other three rookies have in store for us, but I am eager to see if they have what it takes to top Bryan in my book.

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