Thursday, February 25, 2010

Jay of the North: The Story of My Morning.

Did anyone else feel like this today? I woke up around seven this morning, saw giant snowflakes and eagerly checked my e-mail hoping that school was cancelled. No luck. How about that infamous red bar that indicates campus is closed? Nope. So I got ready for class, checked my e-mail and the home page one last time and was on my way to campus. I trekked through slush and fresh powder and couldn't help but be happy that my best friend doesn't attend SPC anymore. I always worried about how she would get around campus when it snowed and rained, especially around the uneven, sloped and unshoveled areas of the quad [which, let's be honest, is basically everywhere at 9 a.m!]. So, I was a few minutes late for my 9 a.m but I was still determined to show up. Of course I was worried about not having a seat [since the chair monster has been eating one every week since the class first started] but when I was directly by the door I saw three open seats. SCORE! A second later I realized that I could have my pick of any seat in the class. Hell, I could have taught the class if I wanted. You know, because I was the only person there. I guess I should have assumed class was cancelled when I saw Jan on the walk to Pope and she told me "Word is classes from 10-on are cancelled.. look out for the text," but sometimes I need a giant snowflake to slide down the back of my shirt to get the hint.

I won't lie, upon noticing classes were cancelled I went to the Hudson Room to get some breakfast. I mean, I was already on campus.. I might as well, right? I was one of the lucky people to get more than just eggs. So, had there been class this morning, I would have been one of the sad looking people sitting at a table with dry toast and eggs. I guess this was the up-side to being on campus today.. because I know I wouldn't be making myself blueberry pancakes or scrambled eggs at home!

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